Here you can see how I love my Bio-bug. All images are from 59Ko to 63Ko ( 640x480 ).


Dsc00449.jpg (60522 octets) Dsc00450.jpg (60866 octets) Dsc00451.jpg (61706 octets) Dsc00452.jpg (61681 octets) Dsc00453.jpg (61726 octets)
Dsc00455.jpg (61619 octets) Dsc00457.jpg (62660 octets) Dsc00458.jpg (62211 octets) Dsc00459.jpg (62893 octets) Dsc00461.jpg (62371 octets)
My backwards
Dsc00462.jpg (62241 octets) Dsc00463.jpg (63185 octets) Dsc00464.jpg (61483 octets) Dsc00465.jpg (63536 octets) Dsc00949.jpg (60639 octets)
scroll down  to see the video scroll down  to see the video scroll down  to see the video In these photo set I thought I could see the legs mouvement.
Dsc00471.jpg (62376 octets) Dsc00472.jpg (61104 octets) Dsc00473.jpg (62312 octets) Dsc00474.jpg (62158 octets) Dsc00953.jpg (60341 octets)
I forgot that you need some LED  to see the mouvement
Dsc00476.jpg (61613 octets) Dsc00477.jpg (62355 octets) Dsc00478.jpg (63017 octets) Dsc00552.jpg (63460 octets) Dsc00956.jpg (61520 octets)
This is a really nice picture Here my bio-bug is stuck Here is a other attempt with some sticker.
Dsc00535.jpg (62956 octets) Dsc00551.jpg (62666 octets)
Here my bio-bug is stuck again  Here, my biobug got stuck in the SEAR plastic bag ( I want to go back... )


Click here to see a video ( 986 Ko ) of the walking and climbing bio-bug. ( I was pushing the fast foward button will recording this video )