Her you have the free-form of different BEAM
circuit. Some are downloadable to your computer.
All file are .SWF made with FLASH 5, you will need
the plug in to view each free-form tutorial.
NOTE: Please be careful while soldering component on the solarcell. You could
break the soldering pad of the solarcell and this is REALLY frustrating. If
you are a beginner, please try a other way to freeform the circuit. You could
solder the freefrom circuit on your workbench, after on the solarcell.
Here are the things you should avoid while making your circuit.
1 - Add to much heat on the pad.
2 - Solder and desolder to many time.
3 - Putting to much solder on the pad.
4 - etc.
Here is a tip to repair the broken connection from www.Solarbotics.com
This takes some extra effort to correct. If the solder pad on the Solar
Cell has broken completely loose, reattach it with "Automotive Defogger
Repair Paint", commonly available at Automotive supply stores. This is an
electrically conductive paint that will dry to a conductive film.